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Cloud Computing Reference Architecture: An Overview

The Conceptual Reference Model
Figure 1 presents an overview of the NIST cloud computing reference architecture, which identifies the major actors, their activities and functions in cloud computing. The diagram depicts a generic high-level architecture and is intended to facilitate the understanding of the requirements, uses, characteristics and standards of cloud computing.

As shown in Figure 1, the NIST cloud computing reference architecture defines five major actors: cloud consumer, cloud provider, cloud carrier, cloud auditor and cloud broker. Each actor is an entity (a person or an organization) that participates in a transaction or process and/or performs tasks in cloud computing.

Table 1 briefly lists the actors defined in the NIST cloud computing reference architecture. The general activities of the actors are discussed in the remainder of this section, while the details of the architectural elements are discussed in Section 3.

Figure 2 illustrates the interactions among the actors. A cloud consumer may request cloud services from a cloud provider directly or via a cloud broker. A cloud auditor conducts independent audits and may contact the others to collect necessary information. The details will be discussed in the following sections and presented in increasing level of details in successive diagrams.

Example Usage Scenario 1: A cloud consumer may request service from a cloud broker instead of contacting a cloud provider directly. The cloud broker may create a new service by combining multiple services or by enhancing an existing service. In this example, the actual cloud providers are invisible to the cloud consumer and the cloud consumer interacts directly with the cloud broker.

 Example Usage Scenario 2: Cloud carriers provide the connectivity and transport of cloud services from cloud providers to cloud consumers. As illustrated in Figure 4, a cloud provider participates in and arranges for two unique service level agreements (SLAs), one with a cloud carrier (e.g. SLA2) and one with a cloud consumer (e.g. SLA1). A cloud provider arranges service level agreements (SLAs) with a cloud carrier and may request dedicated and encrypted connections to ensure the cloud services are consumed at a consistent level according to the contractual obligations with the cloud consumers. In this case, the provider may specify its requirements on capability, flexibility and functionality in SLA2 in order to provide essential requirements in SLA1.

Example Usage Scenario 3: For a cloud service, a cloud auditor conducts independent assessments of the operation and security of the cloud service implementation. The audit may involve interactions with both the Cloud Consumer and the Cloud Provider.
2.2 Cloud Consumer The cloud consumer is the principal stakeholder for the cloud computing service. A cloud consumer represents a person or organization that maintains a business relationship with, and uses the service from a cloud provider. A cloud consumer browses the service catalog from a cloud provider, requests the appropriate service, sets up service contracts with the cloud provider, and uses the service. 
The cloud consumer may be billed for the service provisioned, and needs to arrange payments accordingly. Cloud consumers need SLAs to specify the technical performance requirements fulfilled by a cloud provider. SLAs can cover terms regarding the quality of service, security, remedies for performance failures. 

A cloud provider may also list in the SLAs a set of promises explicitly not made to consumers, i.e. limitations, and obligations that cloud consumers must accept. A cloud consumer can freely choose a cloud provider with better pricing and more favorable terms. Typically a cloud provider‟s pricing policy and SLAs are non-negotiable, unless the customer expects heavy usage and might be able to negotiate for better contracts. [2]. 

Depending on the services requested, the activities and usage scenarios can be different among cloud consumers. Figure 6 presents some example cloud services available to a cloud consumer (For details, see Appendix B: Examples of Cloud Services) [13]
SaaS applications in the cloud and made accessible via a network to the SaaS consumers. The consumers of SaaS can be organizations that provide their members with access to software applications, end users who directly use software applications, or software application administrators who configure applications for end users. 

SaaS consumers can be billed based on the number of end users, the time of use, the network bandwidth consumed, the amount of data stored or duration of stored data. Cloud consumers of PaaS can employ the tools and execution resources provided by cloud providers to develop, test, deploy and manage the applications hosted in a cloud environment. PaaS consumers can be application developers who design and implement application software, application testers who run and test applications in cloud-based environments, application deployers who publish applications into the cloud, and application administrators who configure and monitor application performance on a platform. 

PaaS consumers can be billed according to, processing, database storage and network resources consumed by the PaaS application, and the duration of the platform usage. Consumers of IaaS have access to virtual computers, network-accessible storage, network infrastructure components, and other fundamental computing resources on which they can deploy and run arbitrary software. The consumers of IaaS can be system developers, system administrators and IT managers who are interested in creating, installing, managing and monitoring services for IT infrastructure operations. IaaS consumers are provisioned with the capabilities to access these computing resources, and are billed according to the amount or duration of the resources consumed, such as CPU hours used by virtual computers, volume and duration of data stored, network bandwidth consumed, number of IP addresses used for certain intervals...

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